The Niino area is an area that flourished since the Sengoku period as the domain of Naotora's uncle, Prince Niino Sasuke, in the NHK taiga drama "Naotora, Lord of the Female Castle".
The Kakashi Festival is held on the promenade of the Niino River, which flows on the west side of the Niino District Center, and a contest is held by popularity vote with original Kakashi works by applicants.
The exhibition period is from September 30 to October 8. Visitors will vote on Saturday, September 30 from 1 to 3 p.m. and October 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
We hope you will enjoy the autumn in the Niino area of Omaezaki City again this year.

#Kakashi Festival
#Naotora, the owner of the castle
#Samasuke Niino